Welcome to: The Belmont WTA's....

°World Wide Water FlowPage°


Although I am employed by the Philadelphia Water Dept..Belmont Water Treatment Plant, I am solely responsible for this page's content!!... As of May 14, 1996 this page is neither sponsored, or endorsed by the Phila Water Dept. or the Belmont Water Treatment Plant.... I have created this page as a public service on my own time, & with my own resources. I am also responsible for any inaccuracies contained within these pages... Also, as far as I know, this is still a free country so I will not be censored from publishing this page!

ENUFF said!

I hope you enjoy these pages as much as I did creating them! Hopefully, you will learn something new about water & water treatment. I also sincerely hope that you will appreciate all of the hard work, & MANY PEOPLE, it takes to bring you safe, pleasing WATER(return to index)


I'd also like to take this opportunity to THANK some of the people who contributed to the creation of this page:

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank BHI for creating the GEOCITIES, and allowing my page here. due to their generous nature, i'm sure I can develop this site into something you will want to come back to time & time again! If you are considering leasing commercial webspace, please consider BHI. Their server is WELL powered, & almost always (99+%) accessable! You will also be helping sponsor the GEOCITIES! Without BHI & GEOCITIES, this page would not be possible!

I'd really like to extend a great many thanks to my "Net Bud"...STONEY! ..We attended the Windows 95 Launch together in August 95. Since then, he has been a great deal of help to me learning the inner workings of the internet. The CSIM is a result of stoney's help also... His WWWpage is one of the McKinley Groups 4 star sites! It's a terrific page that will lead you to ALL of the BEST internet software available anywhere. Please checkout his page, you'll see what I mean! Click on his name above or go here: http://www.netaxs.com/people/dmorgen/stoney.html

Thanks BHI!

HTML programming by the NetMaster : **Belmont's WTA**

YOUR LOCAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT....Bringing the people of your city, and It's Suburbs, the FINEST quality Drinking Water available anywhere in the World!

MSN & Microsoft are registered trademarks and the Microsoft Internet Explorer Logo is a trademark of Microsoft.
This Website has been created using The Aardvark HTML editor...(which crashes alot, but I LOVE the interface!)

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Main Page The River Pri Seds $Chem Treatment$

Floc Filtration Post Chem Distribution

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